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Before stepping into the world of Dharma*, the awakening of spiritual contemplation within the heart (Antaḥkarana) is essential. For life to become truly infused with Dharma, every earnest seeker must first attune themselves to the profound resonance of eternal truth—the mighty echo that expands the very temple of the spiritual path.


If this does not happen, there is a risk that you may once again fall into the age-old mistake of believing that mere ritualistic adherence is the entirety of Dharma. Therefore, awaken your inner self with the light of spiritual wisdom, and only then let your outward practices sanctify and elevate your entire life.


It is for this very purpose that the practice of ‘Swatmadiksha’ exists.


(Translated from Saint Baba Maharaj's Achar Sanhita)


*According to Baba, "Dharma is the science of life itself. It is the sacred order that governs being, living, and conduct in harmony with all that exists, both sentient and inert. Dharma contemplates the evolution of human existence as well as the intricate design of all life beyond humanity. This is the essence of the Saint’s Dharma, the Divine Dharma, and the Dharma of the Self." (translated from Marathi to English)

The Process

Every morning, after bathing, the seeker should perform the sacred practice of Swatmadiksha, which is a form of self-instruction.


After your morning bath, sit quietly on your asan for a while.


Begin chanting the Divine Name (Namasmarana).


After some time, stop chanting and simply maintain the awareness that the remembrance of the Name (Namasmarana) is still ongoing. This awareness will awaken the latent impressions of remembrance within you, making it feel as though the chanting is continuing internally.


Then, shift your focus to just listening to this inner chanting.


As it becomes clearer, contemplate: Where is this chanting occurring? Who is the one chanting? With this search, let yourself become still in the movement of chanting.

This state is not difficult to attain; in fact, it is profoundly effortless. As you begin this practice, you will notice your breaths slowing down. Gradually, you will enter a meditative state where your instincts dissolve, and you lose awareness of the physical body—yet you remain fully conscious. In this very moment, both the intellect (buddhi) and the mind (manas) become deeply refined and sensitive. At this time, awaken the following sacred thoughts within you:


  1. O lord! I am blissful. I am filled with divine joy.

  2. O lord! I see all beings as my well-wishers and friends.

  3. O lord! May no words of slander or negativity escape my lips about anyone.

  4. O lord! Bless me with a heart full of love and sincerity for all.

  5. O lord! May my eyes behold only your divine presence everywhere.

  6. O Merciful One! May I feel your sacred touch in every interaction.

  7. O Supreme Controller! May my senses be sanctified by your divine influence.

  8. O Divine Treasure! May my intellect (buddhi) always remain immersed in the bliss of your remembrance.

  9. O Eternal One! By your grace, may all my actions serve the welfare of all beings.

  10. O Protector of All Beings (Janardana)! May every moment of my life be purified by your love, be beneficial to others, and be filled with truthful intentions and righteous actions.

  11. O Bestower of All Blessings, Soul of the Universe! Bless this humble seeker so that the entire world may be joyful, auspicious, and ever-elevated in spirit.


At this moment, let your intellect (buddhi) be awakened by these purest vibrations of thought. If practiced sincerely, within a short time, you will find that your intent manifests into reality, bringing divine radiance and profound peace into your life. For it is in this state that the intellect (buddhi) is fully aligned with its original divine power, enabling the transformation of one's very nature through this sacred guidance.


This process is known as Swatmadiksha.

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